
a space of reflective inquiry




Supervision is a space to reflect creatively on our professional practice, get a wider perspective of the hidden dynamics and unconscious communications in our work with others, support our growing inquiry into our practice and develop our professional skills and resources. While counsellors and psychotherapists have an established understanding of what supervision is and how it can support their practice, there are many other helping/caring/healing professions that can be supported through such a space like nurses, psychiatrists, clergy, teachers an many more.


It is important that we work in a way that supports curious inquiry and explores the developing process of working with other people away from the shame-based dichotomies of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, through a deeper and more productive dialogue about ‘course of action, impact and learning’. It is important that you are able to bring in supervision the parts of your practice that you may have the most doubts about and that challenge you the most, to support us in using the space between us as growthful soil that new learning can emerge from, for us both.


In supervision, we dream the client up in the space between us and enter a creative dialogue that can support fluidity and movement in your practice.